How To Spring Clean Your Business

We have officially entered Spring in Australia and that means that it's time to - Spring Clean! Here are some steps you can take today to spring clean your business.

Spring Clean Time Block

The first step is to block out time with no distractions (turn off notifications and go to a quiet place) to work out what are your specific Business Spring Clean Priorities.

For some of you, it will be doing activities that create a feeling of having a fresh and reinvigorated restart. For others, it will be looking at outstanding matters needing to be cleared away and existing plans reviewed so you can ensure you are focusing on what will protect and grow your business. For many, it will be a mix of both of these.

So write down each of the things that come to mind when you answer the above questions, then to help create a plan of what works for you, you could breakdown your answers into categories of urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, not urgent and not important, then break down into smaller more manageable tasks will help the spring clean go much faster as well as be more effective.

Below are some of our suggestions of what may be important tasks in your Spring Clean to-do list.

Office Clean & Declutter

Clean your desk and computer together with an office declutter. A task like this can help not only freshen up and re-energise you for your next quarter but you may be surprised as to the documents put aside and forgotten about.  (There could be an opportunity you are now ready to take, a missing document you have been searching for, or a liability you need to clean up). This may also be the push you need to scan and save what is important or throw it out.

Don’t forget to clean out old digital files like documents, programs and images. Update software, check your cyber security, and give your computers and phones a hard restart so they can work as fast as possible.

This is also the time to review your office systems that may or may not be working, to see how to make them more efficient. Does the in-tray really get used or are things put there to be forgotten? Is the equipment you have used or out of date? These little tasks and reviews tend to be left to the wayside as our lives are so busy, so really go through your working space – digital and physical – to see what can be updated, cleaned and optimised.

Review Your Business Plan

Get your business plan out for a recalibration – review, update and adjust. We want to ensure your plan is still relevant and is helping you achieve what you want. Goals that have been achieved or maybe are not so relevant need to be removed, and wording updated on your remaining objectives.

Ensure everything on your business plan is not just optimal for the business, but gets you excited to achieve and succeed. If you need help with your business plan, book in with us for a Strategy Session.

Review Your Website

These days, websites can be one of the best ways to promote and build brand awareness, create trust with customers and increase sales. Are you making it easy for people to choose you and your products? Being SEO friendly, having up-to-date information and online sales facilities with relevant Website Terms, Return Policies, Privacy Policies and intellectual property protections are all essential these days.

 Review Your Registers

Do you have an Intellectual property Register and Important Contract Register? When was the last time they were reviewed? Are there any upcoming important dates that you need to ensure you have undertaken reviews by or other action to ensure that you are properly protected and/or to get out of arrangements that are holding you back?


If you would like some further legal business assistance, book a free Discovery Call or get moving now with a Strategy Session with us here at Advantage Partners Lawyers to ensure you are making the right choices for your business.



Please note that this is a general and brief update, it does not purport to be comprehensive legal advice of all information and/or relevant to your circumstances. Consequently, specific legal advice for each of your circumstances should be obtained first before taking or not taking any action with respect to this area.


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